Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Adventures of the Rash Family

Well, our family has had quite the Easter weekend adventures.  Here's a photo story of what's been going on.
On Saturday, we discovered a nest on our front porch.
And in that nest were these beautiful eggs.  We will have fun watching these hatch and grow over the next few weeks.            

That afternoon I spent the better part of it making this scrumptious coconut cake for Easter.

And I used this giant knife to cut and serve the leftovers on Monday. Everyone loved the scrumptious cake and all was well in the world until...

Aidan got ahold of the knife.  2.5 hours later, we were leaving the doctor's office all put back together again.

Now, the real challenge begins...the bandage!
Ethan has a bad case of the wheezes, so between the 2 we are running a full time infirmary :)
Easter Sunday began with early church and then a visit to Great Grandma at the care center.  The boys love to go there and entertain.
Suddenly they were both sitting very quietly in this big comfy chair.  When I went to see what was up, I noticed they were watching some bloody war movie on TV....GREAT!  The things you learn while at the nursing home.
Then, it was back to Nana and Papas for a splash in the hot tub.  After 1 hour of soaking, the boys decided Papa's plants needed fertilizing....I'm sure the parishioners at the Lutheran Church next door loved seeing this as they were coming out of church!

But most amazingly, they can sit very still and very quiet when bribed with an Easter Egg Hunt!

The eggs were hidden by Saint Francis of Assi with care

In hopes that Ethan and Aidan would soon be there.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter!
Ethan sprang to the flower beds to see eggs were the matter.

Away to the trees and the lawn Aidan flew.
Then  the boys' annual photo with Frank sure was due.

But at the end of the day we all gathered 'round and "Happy Easter" was our anthem sound!

Until our next adventure....